Getting what you want

These days when a gloomy thought pops into my mind, like when I’m waiting for the next “shoe to drop,” or when some imagined crisis looms…I now make a conscious choice to replace the gloomy: “I really don’t want X-Y-Z to happen!”

I now replace that with this: “This is what I really want and need: _____. Dear Lord, please show me my next steps toward getting it. Thank you!”

Recently, I heard God say: “Get a beautiful vision for your life. Include what you really want for each of your relationships. Continue to thank Me for guiding you along the best paths for achieving your dreams. Then, watch as these happy dreams start coming true!”

The key is to be very selective about your thoughts. Also, be extra careful about what you say out loud. As a child of God, your words have creative power! Only say what you really want. Then, wait for the miracles to happen!


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