
Showing posts from January, 2020

Lessons from Football

Sharing football games (and other fun stuff) with people you love creates happy pathways in your brain. In this often sad-looking world, we really need all the JOY we can find. God wants us to feel joyful! Remember: --In life, as in football, you play hard and make some really GREAT plays! Let yourself feel good about those! --OK, so you will make some mistakes; learn from those and then start playing again . If you get knocked down, get up again and keep on playing . --Run TOWARD the ball…not away from it! Grab that ball and hang onto it. --Know that having the ball means that some other people are going to chase you and try to get it away from you; however, it’s well worth the struggle. : ) --Life is a TEAM SPORT. See and value the good-heartedness in your teammates, in your family members…and in yourself. --Speak words of LIFE to yourself and to your team members. We are RESILIENT.  We are STRONG and getting stronger.  We are BETTER TOGETHER ....