
Showing posts from 2020

For You, the Reader

Welcome to your safe place! I hope these heart-felt messages will encourage those of you who feel you're going down for the last time. I know it feels scary to be in that spot; I've been there. However--whether or not you believe in the original Creator, I encourage you to read further. My suggestion is, like they say at Al Anon: “Take what’s good and leave the rest.” You may just discover a loving Higher Power has been holding you up all this time. Hey— you’re still here! Finding my way “home”—to finally feeling I was in a safe place—took time.  I’m learning to take the risk to be open to a closer relationship with those who have proven they genuinely love and value me. Without the love and compassion, patience and ongoing forgiveness of my two children, my life would have been…well, I can’t imagine how much harder it would have been. Much colder and lonelier. My "Lifetime Movie" would show me eventually learning how to feel safe and okay, even during major ...

All for the Good -- New Birth!

When the rug flies out from under you, or some major change occurs in your life that you were not expecting and do not want, you feel shocked…sad…hurt. You are going along as usual, worrying about the usual annoyances, when suddenly EVERYTHING CHANGES. You receive news that your project or your contract is ending. Or, something else happens that is totally unexpected...and, it feels terrifying.  Your first reaction is: NO! This is not happening. This cannot happen to me! I’m a good person. I’ve been kind to others. I’ve done my very best. How can this be? How could God let this happen? Change. Horrid change. Then the flood of feelings starts. Chaotic, mind-numbing worry thoughts wash over you. Desperate 3 a.m. fears. The feeling of drowning. Not wanting to get up in the morning. You feel like you’re dying. You want so much to stop the room from whirling around you. You try grabbing onto the first “prop” you can lay hands on. Anything to stop the pain and chaos. Bu...

Lessons from Football

Sharing football games (and other fun stuff) with people you love creates happy pathways in your brain. In this often sad-looking world, we really need all the JOY we can find. God wants us to feel joyful! Remember: --In life, as in football, you play hard and make some really GREAT plays! Let yourself feel good about those! --OK, so you will make some mistakes; learn from those and then start playing again . If you get knocked down, get up again and keep on playing . --Run TOWARD the ball…not away from it! Grab that ball and hang onto it. --Know that having the ball means that some other people are going to chase you and try to get it away from you; however, it’s well worth the struggle. : ) --Life is a TEAM SPORT. See and value the good-heartedness in your teammates, in your family members…and in yourself. --Speak words of LIFE to yourself and to your team members. We are RESILIENT.  We are STRONG and getting stronger.  We are BETTER TOGETHER ....