
Just Breathe

When my mind tells me, “I can’t do this!” I know I’m pushing myself too hard. I need to slow down...take a rest. Once again, God says: “You’re not dying. You’re just tired! Take a <Pause>. Give yourself a restful break. After that, you’ll be able to see more clearly the people around you and how to best relate to them.   Feel how they’re feeling. Solutions to the issues will come. Go sit in your quiet place and Just Breathe . My quiet place is a purple yoga mat with pictures all around me of my beloved children and of the ocean. Just – Breathe. In. Out. Take three long breaths. Or, more. If I can swing it, I take a restful nap. After that, to get energized, I go for a run or a walk along the beach. Just the sight of a brilliant sun on the water and a lovely breeze calms me. After that, I begin to see clearly the next important steps I need to take. Suddenly, it all becomes do-able! Remember to always picture the best outcome. Then, celebrate every accomp...

Choose Joy!

Every day while living on this earth I make a CHOICE. I feel most joyful when I choose to believe in God our Creator and in His good promises, as revealed to us in the Bible. I choose right now to believe His beautiful promises for me and for all my dearly beloved family members. A Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, I confess my faith in You today. Please forgive my sins and please help me today to choose my thoughts wisely. Help me take those actions You will show me to do, in faith. God’s Promises are setting us free now. Believe them! The following verses are from the New International Version (NIV): He Himself is our Peace. [Ephesians 2:14] We know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him. [Romans 8:28] Do not fear, for I have redeemed you. I have summoned you by name; you are Mine.  When you pass through the waters, I will be with you,  and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.  [Isaiah 43:1-2] Even though I...

My Creator turns my mourning into praise!

Let God restore your shattered dreams. We, like Joseph of the Bible, can develop 50/20 vision—a vision which tells us: “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good!” (Genesis 50:20) Such trust dares to believe that God can take the worst materials and turn them into good. It projects meaning and purpose into what seems meaningless and accidental. Godly vision does not gloss over evil like some New Ageism philosophy. Instead, it looks evil straight in the face and recognizes it to be evil. However, our Creator God can transform all of that into good. Joseph never said, “If only…” or “poor me”…but instead he said, “How can I best serve my God in this place?” Romans 8:39: For I am convinced that nothing in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Samuel Longfellow: “Thy Providence turns all to good …Thou leadest me by unsought ways, and turns’t my mourning into praise.”

Life as Art

Sitting in the cool Upstate New York evening, staring across at the calm, quiet bean field, now on fire from the early September sun, I feel linked with all of Life. And I realize that somewhere in this world, this sun is just rising! It hits me like an ice-cold shower on a frosty October morning at Camp Cutler, the boy scout camp just north of Naples New York where my son and I spent one happy, beautiful and memorable week. I see now, today, that there are always at least two ways of viewing the same thing. You can view it as good, or you can view it as "bad." What I propose to do for the remainder of my earthly life is to put the best possible construction on every situation. To an artist that is like putting a pure gold frame around even the simplest painting. Something like "The Miller" by Millet...or "Woman Bathing," by Degas.   These are simple subjects, painted by a pure eye. Life is how you frame it . In its purest form, Life just IS. But hum...

Core of Courage

I’m standing in front of the sliding glass doors next to my giant crimson poinsettia plant on New Year’s Day, looking across my balcony at the pale gray condos opposite. One balcony is trimmed with ropes of evergreen along the railing. The sky above is robin’s egg blue. Through a stand of trees off to the southwest, I see the golden glimmers of a fading sun. We made it through the family holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve. I’m still alive! In a minute, I will plug in the tiny white Christmas lights all around these giant windows and play the James Taylor CD, “Hourglass.” Every day now I practice “breathe / let go” and get more grounded in my true self…more centered in my own heart. Every time in the past, at least 7,000 times, when I’ve said “Bye! See you soon!” to each of my children, I have always seen her again / seen him again. And, as God assures me, we will all three be TOGETHER FOREVER IN ETERNITY. “What part of ‘eternity’ do you not understand? –G...

To the hurting one - a letter from God

Dear Child, this earthly life is just a dream, like a reflection on the water. The enemy is trying to tell you that this current trouble you’re going through will last forever. It won’t. Right now is just the dress rehearsal. You are being prepared for Opening Night--the Real Thing! I know these past few months have been hard. Very hard. I hurt when you hurt. But, an end to this is coming. After this will come the start of something new and truly wonderful. See, I am doing a new thing! Isaiah 43:19   Just last longer! I love you.

Free Here Now

During a recent period of Christian meditation, I heard the Lord say this: It doesn’t matter so much how long you are here, dear Child. This is just your “earth suit” you are wearing now! It’s the “wanting to cling” onto things, wanting "everything to stay the same”…that causes suffering. Let go of clinging and start to feel your true freedom! What is really important is to fulfill your purpose here, My purpose for you here on this earth. Once you get a vision of what your purpose is, then you are truly free!