God's Time

One important lesson I'm learning by studying Noah and the Ark: Everything happens in God's time. Impatience on our part is futile. God is in charge of the whole operation. When we finally acknowledge that and begin to cooperate with God's Plan, doing whatever part is ours to do, good things begin to happen. It all flows.

When I began to write this, the Eastern Seaboard of the United States was being deluged with non-stop rain from the effects of a hurricane. Even today, the news is filled with heart-breaking stories of human suffering.

Yet, I believe there is cause for hope. I believe our Creator will soon end the rain and dry the land. Good things are coming!


  1. As the world battles the current coronavirus pandemic, God just sent two messages of hope our way.
    First: Today (5/26/2020) CNBC morning news announced that a vaccine breakthrough is believed to be imminent.
    Second: I just listened to the most beautiful sermon I've ever heard--"AKA Comforter," by Wayne Taylor. I felt filled with peace as I listened to these Holy Spirit-inspired words: "I am here. I see you, and I love you. You are not alone. I will provide everything you need. Trust Me, My child."
    Victory is on the way! Beloved child of God, believe it!

  2. AKA Comforter (Wayne Taylor sermon): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v53qdI8dWdw

  3. Listen to this message from David Wilkerson, prophesying ahead about the global pandemic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cl-9WyAFcYQ

    1. "We are in the Ark of Safety! God will bring us through this storm. Stand on His Word!"


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