My Creator turns my mourning into praise!
Let God restore your shattered dreams.
We, like
Joseph of the Bible, can develop 50/20 vision—a vision which tells us: “You
intended to harm me, but God intended it for good!” (Genesis 50:20)
Such trust
dares to believe that God can take the worst materials and turn them into good.
It projects meaning and purpose into what seems meaningless and accidental.
Godly vision
does not gloss over evil like some New Ageism philosophy. Instead, it looks evil
straight in the face and recognizes it to be evil. However, our Creator God can
transform all of that into good.
Joseph never
said, “If only…” or “poor me”…but instead he said, “How can I best serve my God
in this place?”
Romans 8:39:
For I am convinced that nothing in all creation will be able to separate us
from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
from Sue S: "My friend Gail and I were reading this and the tears were pouring down our faces. So beautiful!"